Terms of Use

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We want everyone to enjoy making nightcore music, but not at the expense of ripping off artists and their hard work! By using our site, you agree to our terms of use below.


The content you upload, edit, and download must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Is owned by you or you have been given permission by the artist to manipulate and share its content.
  • Is of public domain, meaning its copyright has been waived, expired, or inapplicable from the start.
  • Is considered copyleft, meaning it is regarded as open source and anyone can copy, modify, edit the source material so long as any following users may be able to do so also.

Due to the nature and limitations of uploading functions, we can not prevent the uploading of a specific or individual audio file, even if that file may be under copyright protection. However, despite our terms stating clearly that this behavior is prohibited, the responsibility for what’s ultimately uploaded lies in the hands of the user. Therefore, Nightcore'd and its members cannot be held responsible for the actions of users relating to uploading, but we retain the right to terminate their access to our site if they violate our terms of use.

Issues or Questions

If you have any issues or questions about our terms of use, please contact us at feedback@nightcored.co!